The Federal Government Order № 1424-4 issued on August 4, 2012 approved the amendments to the List of national standards, containing the rules and methods of investigations (tests) and measurements, including the rules of sampling required for the application and implementation of the Federal Law "Technical Regulations on milk and milk products "and the implementation of conformity assessment.
The list was supplemented with 59 new standards, including, in particular:
- GOST R 52842-2007 (ISO 18330:2003). Milk and milk products. Methods of immunological or bacterial receptor analysis for determining residues of antibacterial substances;
- GOST R 52995-2008 (ISO 17129:2006). Milk powder. Determination of soy and pea proteins using capillary electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS-CE). The method of separation;
- GOST 8764-73. Canned milk and milk containing products. Methods of control.
Besides the following documents are excluded from the list:
- GOST R 51600-2000. Milk. Methods for determination of antibiotics;
- GOST 37-91. Butter. Specifications;
- GOST 7616-85. Rennet hard cheese. Specifications;
- GOST 8764-73. Canned milk. Methods of control;
- GOST 26781-85. Milk. The method of measuring pH;
- GOST 51446-99 (ISO 7218-96). Microbiology. Foodstuffs. General rules for microbiological studies;
- GOST 9225-84. Milk and milk products. Methods of microbiological analysis;
- GOST 30518-97 (GOST 50474-93). Foodstuffs. Methods for detection and quantification of coliform bacteria (coliforms);
- GOST 30519-97 (GOST 50480-93). Foodstuffs. Method for detecting Salmonella.