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History and main definitions
In line with the principles of the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 640-XII issued on June 05, 1991 about the protection of consumer rights (repealed on May 18, 2010), mandatory certification of products entering the Kazakh market was imposed by the Decree of the Republicof Kazakhstan No. 367 issued on April 20, 2005. According to the Governmental Decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 904 issued on July 02, 2001, the area of certificationis the responsibility of the National Committee of Standardization, Metrology and Certificationat the Ministry of Economy and Trade (Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan). The Certificate of Compliance is the most important document in the certification system of Kazakhstan. It confirms that certified products meet the requirements of the environmental protection, safety, health and any property of the consumer. It also states that the goods are certified according to the Kazakh system and fully meet allquality standards which are in force in that country.
The Certificate of Complianceis issued by certification bodies accredited by the state of Kazakhstan. The main evidence of compliance is the protocol of tests performed in an authorized laboratory.
Following the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 603-II issued on November 09, 2004 about the Technical Regulation, in 2007, the first Technical Rules were enacted. Therefore during the certification, the compliance with requirements of applicable Technical Regulations should also be verified. Additional TR requirements must be met, here are their examples:
- TR No. 277 issued on March 21, 2008 "Requirements and rules for packaging, marks, marking"
- TRNo. 42 issued on January 23, 2009" Safety requirements for low voltage equipment"
- TR No.812 issued on August 09, 2010" Electromagnetic Compatibility"
Since its accession to the Customs Union the local norms ceased to apply. They are in the phase of transition to Technical Regulations.
Scope and relevant products
Certification of Compliance affects many types of goods for the Kazakh market, regardless their origin:
- automobiles and their spares parts
- agricultural machinery;
- weapons;
- electrotechnic equipment, radio engineering, electronics
- means of communications
- heating equipment
- household chemicals
- consumer goodshaving contact with skin, food and water
- packaging
- wood products
- finished materials for construction
- textile
- pharmaceuticals
- medical and veterinary equipment
- cosmetics
- food
- fuels and lubricants
- toys
- jewellery and silverware
- products and equipmentfor industrial sectors with potential danger
- railway products and equipment
- means of monitoring
The detailed list of products subject to mandatory certification is defined by the Decree of the Republic of Kazakhsta nNo. 367 issued on April 20, 2005.
Market Launch
Before placing on the market, the manufacturer or its agent shall:
- meet the applicable requirements (GOST K and TR) in Kazakhstan.
- provide the technical file
- provide the instructions
- provide samples for testing in accredited laboratories
- implement the procedures for conformity assessment
- obtain the Certificate or the Declaration of Compliance and ensure that it is enclosed to the products
- put a mark GOST K
Certificate of conformity GOST K
Conformity assessment procedures
In accordance with the Technical Regulations No. 90 issued on February 04, 2008 about procedures compliance check, the Mandatory Certificate of Compliance or Voluntary Certificate Compliance can be obtained.
Depending on the frequency of goods shipment and many other exporters’ criteria, the different certification schemes provide suitable procedures for the timely delivery of a unique product, a batch of goods or the mass production.
Certification"per shipment" is issued on the basis of a delivery contractor in case if the products can be clearly identified (by the serial numbers of equipment for example). The certificate"per shipment" is valid from 6 to 12 months.
Regular exporters’ activity in Kazakhstan can justify the establishment of certification of a wide range of homogeneous products. The certificate with validity period extending up to 2 years can be based on the analysis of the manufacturing technology, the relevant procedures and testing of representative samples. The approval of quality assurance system ISO9000 by manufacturer can allow obtaining the certification valid for 3 years.
Conformity marking GOST K
The conformity mark shall be placed visibly on the products and / orthe accompanying documents.

Our solutions:
- advice on the compilation of conformity assessment file
- compliance of the specifications
- assistance during the audit of manufacturing site
- assistance in connection with regulatory tests
- control and monitoring of certified sites
- obtaining certificates / declarations GOST K and TR
Other additional certifications or registrations may be required for consumer goods or equipment. Sometimes, obtaining them is prior to certification GOST K:
Metrologic Certification in accordance with the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan N 53-II issued on June 07, 2000 about the consistency of measurements,etc.
It is possible to certify the compliance with Kazakh regulatory requirements by the Declaration of Compliance. It can be compulsory if it is provided by the relevant Technical Regulations or obtained voluntarily for products which are not subject to mandatory compliance.
Statutory Reference
- Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 640-XII issued on June 05, 1991 about the protection of consumer rights (repealed on May 18, 2010)
Decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 367 issued on April 20, 2005 validating the list of products subject to mandatory certification
- Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 904 issued on July 02, 2001 about the Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 603-II issued on November 09, 2004 about the Technical Regulation
- Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 53-II issued on July 07, 2000 about the consistency of measurements