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For the first time the Declaration of Conformity was mentioned in the Decree N°766 issued by the Government of the Russian Federation on July 07, 1999. Later, shortly after the promulgation of the Federal Law N° 184-FZ issued on December 27, 2002 about « Technical regulations» the RosTekhRegulation (currently Rosstandart) released a new list of products subject to mandatory compliance test. This list has differentiated products whose conformity must be certified through the Certification and the Declaration.
The Declaration of Conformity GOST R must be registered in the Certification Center accredited in the system GOST R according to the evidence of compliance given by the applicant. Obtaining the Declaration of Conformity is allowed only to legal entities registered in the Russian territory (distributors, importers or official representatives of foreign manufacturers). Furthermore, each importer must have his own Declaration of Conformity issued in his name.
Within the TR framework, the Russian standards are no longer mandatory and a series of proofs to take into account during products conformity testing is larger. As in the system GOST R, products conformity can be certified by the Declaration of Conformity TR.
The principle of « conformity presumption » was established, it means that the application according to the voluntary national standards and regulations which are included in the list of specific TR ensures compliance with the technical regulations requirements.
The manufacturer or its agent (importer or distributor) is fully responsible for the products conformity placed on the market.
Scope and relevant products
Each specific regulation has a list of products / equipment subject to the mandatory compliance check in the form of certification or declaration of conformity with TR requirements.
Currently in Russia there are 21 specific TR in force:
- Technical Regulations on milk and diary products
- Technical Regulations on fats and oils
- Technical Regulations on fruit and vegetables juice products
- Technical Regulations on safety of machinery and equipment
- etc.
Market Launch
The Declaration of Conformity TR has the same functions as the mandatory compliance certificate : it is requested for customs clearance and in the place of marketing/use in the territory of the Russian Federation.
The declaration of conformity TR must be registered within an authorized agency in the TR system according to the conformity evidence given by the applicant. Obtaining the Declaration of Conformity is allowed only to legal entities registered in the Russian territory (distributors, importers or official representatives of foreign manufacturers). Furthermore, each applicant must have his own Declaration of conformity issued on his name.
Conformity assessment procedure
The following items are required when working out the registration file for the Declaration of conformity by the authorized organization TR:
- test records made in an accredited laboratory
- voluntary certificate of conformity tr issued in the manufacturer’s name
- copy of health expert report or the product registration certificate issued by accredited organization in the customs union as well as other certificates and/or preliminary compulsory registration (depending on product type)
- declaration of products conformity to EC standards
- legalized free trade certificate (if applicable, depending on product type)
- technical description of products
- copy of ISO certificate or other obtained quality certificates
- copy of labels in Russian as well as instruction manuals for each product
- formal request for declaration (prescribed form)
- applicant’s proof of legal right to operate in the Russian territory (Russian inn code)
- copy of the contract or sales invoice
- manufacturer‘s attorney authorizing the Russian company to declare the product conformity for the Russian market
Declaration of Conformity TR
Depending on the frequency of consignment and a number of other exporter’s criteria, the manufacturer can obtain:
- the declaration of conformity TR for shipment of a consignment
- the declaration of conformity TR for mass production with validity period up to 5 years.
The duration and receipt of the Declaration of Conformity:
Type of certificate
Time of receipt
Time of working out certification file
By exporter (standard procedure)
By us (accelerated procedure)
Declaration of conformity TR
Valid for one entry : a single shipment of a product or a batch of products
5 business days*
1-2 months
10 business days
Declaration of conformity TR
Valid for 5 years : for mass production
25 business days*
1-2 months
10 business days
Conformity Marking TR
The conformity marking « TR » consists of an acronym. It means that the machine is certified according to the main health and safety requirements of the Technical regulations. It provides access to the free movement of the machine on the territory of the Russian Federation.
The conformity logo TR must be placed visibly on the products and/or accompanying products.
Four options of TR logo are presented below:

Our solutions :
- receipt of certificates / declarations TR
- advice on working out the conformity assessment file
- specification compliance
- assistance during audit of manufacturing site
- assistance during regulatory tests
- monitoring of certified sites
Other additional certifications or registrations may be required for consumer goods or equipment.
Sometimes their receipt is prior to the Declaration of Conformity TR :
Statutory reference :
- Decree issued by the Government of the Russian Federation N°766 on July 07, 1999 about the procedure of products conformity declaration
- Federal law N° 184-FZ issued on December 27, 2002 about « Technical regulations »
Download « the Decree N° 753 issued on September 15, 2010 by the Government of the Russian Federation about the list of products subject to mandatory compliance test within the TR » in Russian